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Kaylee Howard - Мемориальный вебсайт онлайн

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Kaylee Howard
Родился вWest Virginia
1 month
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patrickjay-clark*Grd Mama
When human aid is vain & past,no mortal refuge to be found,then can we firmly lean on heaven & gather strength to bear.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
"Lord show me the path of life without my child"*KAYLEE*.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
"He blesseth thee,He blesseth me,and we are near."*KAYLEE*.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
He keeps us both beneath His wings,this comforts me;One wing over you & one wing over me.*KAYLEE*
patrickjay-clark*Grd Mama
I trust that I will see you in the land of life.I'll be strong waiting,till our lives will raised together again.*KAYLEE*
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
Sweet*KAYLEE*.You live in glory,honor,peace & immortality.You are free.
patrickjay-clark's Grd Mama
With the golden levers of love and light I come to the calm of the starlight night.Have a glorious Sunday*KAYLEE*.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
Fly like a bird ,soar like an eagle.Happy Friday.*KAYLEE*.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
*KAYLEE*Like your love,the sun will rule the day,the stars will grace the night.
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