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Kaylee Howard - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Kaylee Howard
Nacido enWest Virginia
1 month
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Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
Searcher of hearts!-from mine erase all thoughts that should not be,& in its deep recesses trace my gratitude to Thee!KAYLEE
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
May the simple heart of a child be mine,& the grace of a rose in bloom;let me fill the day with a hope divine *KAYLEE*
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
Faith cannot be unanswered;her feet are firmly planted on the rock,amid the wildest storms she stands undaunted.*KAYLEE*
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
*KAYLEE*In the night of despair does grace so abound,that from its darkness we draw light,as flowers do beauty from the ground?
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
God will never need the when or where;He'll never reject the heart that brings the offering of fervent prayer.*KAYLEE*.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
*KAYLEE*You went your way & I go mine,apart,yet not afar;God keeps watch between you & me, so very near.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
Say not our heavenly Father has not heard our prayer;we shall have our desire,sometime,s omewhere.*KAYLEE*
Patrick Jay's Grd Mama
Hearer of prayer! oh,guide aright each word & deed of mine;Life's battle teach me how to fight,& be the victory Thine.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
*KAYLEE*Happy st Patrick day to you all.God bless you & your families.
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